Army Letters from an Officer's Wife, 1871-1888
Frances Marie Antoinette Mack Roe
From North Carolina to Southern California Without a Ticket and How I Did It
John Peele
Sinners and Saints
Phil Robinson
The New Eldorado: A Summer Journey to Alaska
Maturin M. Ballou
What I Saw in California
Edwin Bryant
Days on the Road: Crossing the Plains in 1865
Sarah Raymond Herndon
The Backwoodsman; Or, Life on the Indian Frontier
The Pioneer Trail
Alfred Lambourne
In the Old West
George Frederick Augustus Ruxton
Une année au désert : Scènes et récits du Far-West américain (French)
Auguste Nicaise
Farnham's Travels in the Great Western Prairies, etc., part 2, October 21-December 4, 1839
Thomas Jefferson Farnham and Pierre-Jean de Smet
Roughing It, Part 3.
Mark Twain
Pattie's Personal Narrative, 1824-1830; Willard's Inland Trade with New Mexico, 1825, and Downfall of the Fredonian Republic; and Malte-Brun's Account of Mexico
Dr. Willard, James O. Pattie, and Conrad Malte-Brun
Life in the Far West
George Frederick Augustus Ruxton
Tramping With a Poet in the Rockies
Vachel Lindsay and Stephen Graham
Roughing It, Part 4.
Mark Twain
Seeing the West: Suggestions for the Westbound Traveller
K. E. M. Dumbell
Im Gold- und Silberland (German)
Mark Twain
Roughing It, Part 5.
Mark Twain
Roughing It, Part 8.
Mark Twain
Roughing It, Part 6.
Mark Twain
The Western Echo
George W. Romspert
Roughing It, Part 2.
Mark Twain
Voyage aux montagnes Rocheuses
Pierre-Jean de Smet
The Cruise of a Schooner
Albert W. Harris